Internet’s Best Source For Litter Box Guides, Reviews, & Tips

We have suggested quick guides to awaken you about the ins and outs of cat litter boxes and their related aspects.


About Fresh Kitty Litter

Welcome to Fresh Kitty Litter, a page curated by cat lovers turned professionals who would help you bust various myths about cat-littering habits. The most significant trouble most cat parents face is helping their babies use a litter box, cleaning it, and related struggles.

Cats, their habitats, and litter box usage are comprehensive science that you need to understand most simply. With meticulously crafted guides and hacks, we can help you with all your concerns and issues. Though it would not be an easy feat, we would help you achieve your goal with love and care.

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Litter Box Guides

Get the scoop on litter box essentials like placement, size, and upkeep, ensuring a fresh and inviting space for your kitty’s bathroom breaks.

Litter Box Reviews

Find out what’s worth the investment with our honest reviews and recommendations on the best litter boxes to keep your home smelling clean.

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Litter Box Guides


The Story Behind The Website

Hi, my name is Calista Davis. My journey from being a full-time cat parent to volunteering at a rescued cats NGO has been through a constant face of highs and lows.

I had a playful cat full of life, yet her shine dimmed with littering habits. As I became aware of the litter box, I brought one for her.

However, she wasn’t using the litter box. Consequently, her health was worsening, and that phase was mentally and physically challenging for me as well.

Soon, I consulted a veterinarian with whom her treatment was already going, and she suggested taking her to a behavioral therapist.

It usually doesn’t require us to visit one, yet the time was short, and we couldn’t wait more. With correct practices, training, and therapy, she adapted to the use of a litter box.

To help train the other cats and ensure their well-being, I started volunteering at an NGO. Yet, there were some cats whom we had rescued. Upon further information, I encountered several shocking cases where the parents had abandoned the litter paws for not using the litter box.

Simulatenously the cleaning part annoyed many which is natural but wrong methods complicate the process where we help.

It was during this time that I began the venture of Fresh Kitty Litter and soon became a team. We understand the frustration of pet parents.

Hence, we suggest easy, quick, and effective methods to benefit you and your furry babies. This is because it isn’t rocket science, as most think; the rumors worsen matters.

Cat Litter Guides